What people are saying about us…

“I’ve been getting sports and remedial massages from the team for over 7 years and have found them to be the best group of remedial massage therapists that I’ve been to. Professional, punctual friendly and highly trained - they are all so passionate about their line of work! Whether it’s recovery from an injury or strain and tension from work, I’m always feeling in top shape after a treatment. Highly recommend!”

Deep Tissue Massage

  • Deep Tissue Massage is a massage technique that uses firm pressure to reach the deeper layers of muscle, fascia and connective tissue. It is designed to physically break down the build up of adhesions and scar tissue (commonly referred to as knots) accumulated in the muscles which restricts movement (flexibility), circulation and induces pain and wear in the body. By breaking down rigid tissue in tense and injured muscles, dead blood and toxins are released from the stagnant tissue. This introduces fresh blood and nutrients to the area speeding up the effectiveness and repair/recovery time for the patient.

  • Enhances repair/recovery speed for injury

    Encourages complete healing

    Increases circulation

    Improves flexibility and mobility

    Removes stagnant dead cells and toxins from body tissue

    Breaks down and eliminates the build up of scar tissue and adhesions in body tissue

    Boosts energy and vitality levels

    Enhances mental clarity and emotional regulation

    Releases chronic muscle pain and tension

    Reduced blood pressure and heart rate

    Enhances general wellebeing

    Balances hormones

    Enhances mood and self esteem

    Boosts immune system

    Reduces fluid retention and enhances the lymphatic system

    Aids the body in detoxification

  • Spinal pain, discomfort and dysfunction
    Joint pain, discomfort, dysfunction

    Restricted and frozen mobility conditions

    Repetitive strain injuries

    Postural imbalances

    Muscle tension, discomfort and pain


    Nerve Pain

    All Arthritis conditions

    Sports Injuries

    Sciatica pain

    TMJ (Jaw) pain and dysfunction

  • Deep Tissue Massage is a popular and highly sought out treatment by many people of all ages including athletes, seniors, rehabilitation patients and children. If you have any concerns about wether or not this treatment is right for you please contact one of our friendly team members to discuss further. All of our Next To Nature therapists are experts in advanced deep tissue massage and are happy to consult with you about any questions you might have about your condition and treatment.

  • At the beginning of your session the amount of pressure to the area of treatment is applied lighter and is gradually built up to prepare the muscles before firmer and advanced techniques are used to reach the deeper layers in the tissue. Deep Tissue Massage is focused on breaking down scar tissue and constriction which can result in a patient feeling discomfort and or pain. The level of pain experienced is subjective to the patients situation regarding his or her injury that is being treated. Some areas in the body are known to be more sensitive in response to massage and also the level of damage to the area and the length of time the injury has been left untreated will also contribute to the level of discomfort that can be experienced. However it is important that a patient always communicates with the therapist during treatment when pain is being experienced so that the amount of pressure or technique can be adjusted to further prepare the muscles. It is recommended that you focus on breathing deeply and slowly as tight painful areas are being massaged. This will encourage fresh oxygenated blood to flow to the muscles, further aiding the release and repair of the muscle fibres. Each session your therapist will be able to work deeper into the tissue layers and the client will feel the difference straight away.

    After your session you may experience body soreness which usually subsides within a few days, if you are concerned about any pain or discomfort you are feeling contact your therapist for further consult. Your therapist will give you further instructions to aid your recovery with a specific icing regime and or exercises to follow in between your sessions. Deep Tissue Massage sessions usually last around 30-90 minutes and brings best results when delivered weekly or at least once every three weeks.

Myofascial Dry Needling

  • Dry Needling is a treatment used to treat a wide variety of conditions in which fine needles are inserted into the skin and the soft tissues below. Dry Needling is sometimes mistaken as Acupuncture and although the same needles are used in treatment the method and objectives are very different in comparison. Dry Needling treatments target specific problematic areas of the body with the objective of inducing tissue repair and the restoration of healthy tissue function. This treatment can be used to address mild to chronic conditions and is often an effective pain management solution when used in conjunction with other soft tissue manipulation therapies such as massage.

  • Pain relief

    Reduced muscle tension

    Improved circulation

    Enhanced flexibility and range of motion

    Reduced inflammation

    Encourages complete injury healing

    Induces a quicker healing response in the body to area treated

    Improves mobility

    Speeds up injury recovery

    Boosts soft tissue functionality

  • Muscle pain and tension

    Migraines and tension-type headaches

    Carpal tunnel

    Repetitive strain injury

    Postural disorders

    Whiplash associated disorders

    Spinal dysfunction

    Pelvic pain and conditions

    Complex regional pain syndrome

    Body cramps

    Phantom pain

    Disk pathology

    Joint dysfunction


    Plantar fasciitis

  • Dry Needling when delivered correctly by a qualified practitioner is considered a very safe treatment. Needles are single use only, sterile and very fine making bleeding and bruising uncommon.

    This treatment is not recommended for those with:

    Bleeding Disorders.

    Needle Phobias.

    Unhealed, severe and chronic superficial wounds and infections.

    If in doubt, please consult your GP for medical clearance before booking your treatment.

  • Most people do not feel the needle insertion however the local "twitch" response which causes slight contraction of the muscle can provoke a brief pain or discomfort which has been described as a cramping sensation. A "twitch" response diagnoses and confirms a therapeutic process which is the desired reaction to the needles insertion. Other experiences you may have during your treatment are subjective to the techniques applied. Muscle soreness may be felt for a few days after your appointment and your therapist will advise you on a specific icing regime and exercises to follow in between your treatments. Treatments usually take between 30-60 minutes but can vary depending on the condition being addressed. Your therapist will also advise how often your appointments should occur subjective to the condition of injury and how well the patient responds and recovers from sessions. Our therapists use dry needling in conjunction with massage to get the best results from treatment.

Sports Massage

  • Sports Massage is a form of massage tailored specifically towards the treatment, management and maintenance for athletic participants. Sports Massage is designed to prevent injury and keep the body in optimum condition to aid athletes in a quick recovery from physical activity such as workouts and sports.

  • Sports massage has three stages of application which contribute to optimising athletic performance. Each stage has it’s own benefits and techniques applied.

    Pre Event

    Usually delivered just before an athlete performs. This type massage is performed as an injury prevention method for athletes and also aids performance by warming and lengthening the muscles which enhances flexibility and range of movement for ideal athletic performance. It also stimulates and increases blood flow bringing nutrients to the muscle, decreasing muscle tightness and inducing psychological readiness.

    Post Event

    Ideally delivered 1-2 hours after event in order to give dilated blood vessels a chance to return to their normal condition. During strenuous exercise, particularly with athletic activity, the muscles of the body are impacted from micro traumas. The swelling that occurs in muscles is brought on by these tears that occur in the muscle tissue. Post Event Sports Massage is delivered to reduce muscle swelling, tightness and restriction. It also increases the amount of blood flow to the muscles aiding the body in the removal of waste and lactic acid to reduce the recovery period for the athlete and prevent muscle pain and cramping.


    Usually delivered at least once a week as part of a typical athletic training program and routine but can be administered daily to athletes who require specific rehabilitation. Maintenance Sports Massage continues to bring fresh blood flow and nutrients to the muscles and and aims to keep the muscles loose for full range of movement and optimum flexibility. It also prevents, treats the development of scar tissue that can occur to muscles due to repetitive strain and injury.

  • Muscle and joint pain

    Stiffness and restriction in body

    Sports injury

    Spinal pain and disfunction

    Muscle and tendon tears

    Swollen muscles and joint

    Sprains and strains

    Shin splint and other painful conditions of the legs

    Knee pain, dysfunction and injury

    Frozen shoulder

    Repetitive strain injury

    Arm, wrist and hand injury


    Tennis elbow

    Plantar fasciitis and other conditions of the feet

  • Sports Massage is an ideal treatment for any person aiming to improve and maintain optimum performance in physical activity from recreational to professional sports as well as those participating in gym workouts and exercise programs.

  • The main objective for Sport Massage is to optimise athletic performance. Each type of Sports Massage applied uses various techniques with results subjective to the therapists knowledge and skill and the ability of the patient to work together with the therapist. A good Sports Massage therapist combines various techniques to achieve the best result for the client based on his or her individual circumstances and desired results.

Myofascial Decompression

  • Also known as Cupping Therapy, this treatment applies cups plastic or silicone cups to the skin and then the air inside is cup is decompressed to pull tissue away from the body and into the cup.

    Sometimes, while the suction is active, the cup is then moved around the skin to further pull the muscle away from the body. Cupping has been referred to as a “reversed” massage. Cupping is applied to areas of the body that have been affected by pain, tightness and injury.

  • Enhanced circulation

    Increases lymphatic drainage and detoxification

    Encourages healthy tissue repair and regeneration

    Reduces pain and tension in the body

    Relieves spasms and cramping

    Enhances flexibility and mobility

    Stimulates and boosts the immune system and healing response in the body

  • Spinal pain, discomfort and dysfunction

    Joint pain, discomfort, dysfunction

    Restricted and frozen mobility conditions

    Repetitive strain injuries

    Postural imbalances

    Muscle tension, discomfort and pain


    Nerve Pain

    All Arthritis conditions

    Sports Injuries

    Sciatica pain

    TMJ (Jaw) pain and dysfunction

  • Many people respond well to Cupping and enjoy the results from just one treatment however the bruise like marks that can linger for a few days does bother some patients for aesthetic reasons.

    This treatment is not recommended for:

    Bleeding Disorders.

    Unhealed, chronic or severe superficial wounds or infections.

    If in doubt please consult your GP for medical clearance before booking this treatment.

  • The therapy works by drawing fresh blood from the vessels and into the tissues. The body recognises this response as an injury, which induces a quick healing response directly to the affected area. The air within the cup is removed with a valve that attaches to a small hand-operated pump in which the practitioner can suck out the air with specific control. In a treatment in which cups are to be moved over the skin, oil is then applied to help glide the cup over the area. For some conditions the cups will be left in once place. The cups are left on the skin from 5-15 minutes although this can vary from patient to patient.

    The skin of the area the cups are used on will redden due to the blood that has been pulled into the area. Once the cup has been removed, some circular bruising on the skin is to be expected and may stay visible for a few days. This is a completely normal response and very rarely would it cause any discomfort or pain. Cupping is a popular therapy choice for athletes as it accelerates the repair and recovery process which enhances athletic performance.

Kinesiology Therapy Tape

  • Also known as K-Tape, this treatment involves using adhesive elastic tape which is applied to the body to provide pain relief, support/stability and increase circulation in the body.

    Kinesiology Taping is also used to prevent injury and enhance athletic performance and correct/encourage optimum postural alignment

  • Corrects and relieves postural conditions

    Reduces pain

    Reduces inflammation and swelling

    Delays fatigue

    Normalises muscle tone

    Distributes physical stress

    Enhances mobility and range of movement

    Encourages faster and more efficient repair

    Provides support and protection to soft tissue injuries

    Corrects dysfunctional soft tissue conditions

    Enhances co-ordination and balance

  • Sprains and strains

    Postural conditions


    Plantar fasciitis

    Knee pain/conditions

    ACL/MCL conditions

    Groin and hamstring pulls

    Back, neck and shoulder pain/injury

    Shin splints

    Tennis and golf elbow

    Pain associated with pregnancy

    Joint pain/conditions

  • Kinesiology Tape is a safe and highly effective treatment for a large variety of conditions and is beneficial to people of all ages. It is globally recognised for its ability to aid and enhance sporting performance.

    If you are experiencing high levels of pain from a soft tissue injury or condition, Kinesiology Tape will not only help to reduce this pain but will enhance the healing process at the same time.

    The Kinesiology Tape we use is RockTape. It is made from 97% cotton and 3% nylon. The adhesive is a hypo-allergenic, acrylic-based and contains no latex. If you have had any issues with skin sensitivities and reactions in the past please advise your therapist.

    This treatment is not recommended for those with severe or chronic skin conditions that may react to the tape adhesive.

    We may recommend that you do a patch test if you have had any ongoing skin sensitivities and reactions in the past.

    If in doubt please consult your GP for medical clearance.

  • When Kinesiology Tape is correctly applied many people feel like it has fixed their injury instantly. This is because it changes how the body interprets pain. The application of tape does not take long and is usually done following a treatment designed to loosen the affected area such as massage or dry needling. Your therapist will advise you on how to get longevity from your tape and when to remove. Most patients will have the tape removed by the therapist when they are ready to have fresh tape reapplied to area.

    The Kinesiology Tape we use is RockTape. It is made from 97% cotton and 3% nylon. The adhesive is a hypo-allergenic, acrylic-based and contains no latex.
    If you have had any issues with skin sensitivities and reactions in the past please advise your therapist.

    RockTaping patients usually feel substantially better after application and it is unlikely you would have any unpleasant side effects from this treatment. However, if you are concerned about any discomfort you are experiencing you should contact your therapist for further consultation.

Visceral Massage

  • Visceral massage is a type of soft tissue manipulation in which specific technique and pressure is applied to the abdomen and pelvis area. This type of therapy encourages healthy mobility, tone and motion of the internal organs and connective tissues. The internal organs are connected and supported by tissues called fascia and pleura, and when injury or change occurs in the body these tissues when impacted, can affect healthy organ function. Because the fascial wrappings of the organs are essentially one big continuous piece of connective tissue, restriction in the abdominal/pelvic area can manifest as symptom in another area of the body. This can sometimes be the missing piece of the puzzle to patients who may have short term relief from other types of massage but find the pain and symptoms reoccurring. Conditions that can cause this type of impairment to the organs include abdominal surgery, pregnancy, infections and emotional behaviour.

    It has also been well documented the impact that emotions have on how the body operates. Different emotions affect different organs. Emotional reactions can transform into many different symptoms such as twitches, spasms, sweating, heartburn, vomiting, irritable bowel, ulcers, and other serious diseases. When the brain receives negative emotion it can cause tension to the related organ, the organ then sends tension back to the brain resulting in a vicious cycle. An injured or imbalanced organ can also stimulate emotional upset repeating the same cycle. Visceral Massage can break this cycle, enhance organ health and functionality, and restore balance to the body systems.

  • Enhanced digestion

    Increased energy and vitality

    Pain relief


    Increased circulation

    Improved flexibility and range of motion

    Reduces fluid retention

    Balances hormones

    Promotes quicker and more efficient healing

    Encourages complete healing

    Improved emotional regulation and mood

  • Constipation and digestion issues

    Pain from pregnancy and c section surgery

    Hormonal imbalances


    PMS and other menstrual conditions

    Pain from abdominal and pelvic surgery

    Fluid retention

    Kidney and bladder conditions

    Irritable bowel syndrome

    Knee pain

    Acid reflux and heartburn

    Fibroids and cysts

    Liver disorders

    Mental and emotional disorders

  • People of all ages can benefit from Visceral Massage, particularly those suffering from conditions related to the abdominal and pelvic area.

    This treatment is not recommended if you have any unhealed superficial wounds or infections on the abdomen area.

    If in doubt please consult your GP for medical clearance.

  • Oil is applied to the abdomen area and a light massage is performed to warm the area and release fascia. Depending on the condition of the patient a firmer pressure may be used to target deeper layers of tissue and to massage in a clockwise motion around the digestive track to encourage detoxification.
    Sometimes deep tissue massage is performed to target deeper muscle groups to treat abdominal and hip conditions.